A - AIME high
B - Be Brave
C - Create connections
D - Dream big
E - Embrace the uncomfortable
F - Find friendships (and flamingo's)
G - Great people make amazing things happen
H - Have heart - and lots of it
I - Imagination matters more than knowledge
J - Just the start
K - Kindness matters
L - Love is all you need
M - Make it up as you go along
N - Notice what happens around you
O - Opportunity to make a difference
P - Pedagogies of uncertainty
Q - Question everything
R - Reflect and re-imagine
S - Social interactions really matter
T - Trojan mice and trust
U - Uncertainty is now our certainty
W - Wing it and wonder
X - Xpress yourself
Y - Young people's voices + Yes...and
Z - Zzzzzzzz (now to recharge my batteries)