Introduction to Everyday Leadership
Everyday leadership starts with you. As an 'everyday leader' you will...
Believe that you can always make a difference, regardless of your perceived level, role or status
Be highly aware of your values, motivations, drivers and impact
Be curious and have the desire and ability to support others
The 'Introduction to Everyday Leadership' programme will support you to develop the foundations of your leadership approach. With a combination of online resources, 'webinar' style sessions, 1-2-1 mentoring support, exploration tasks and reflective discussions, this unique course will help you identify the fundamentals of everyday leadership and work out how they apply for you in your own context.
The programme will incorporate:
A 'getting to know you' call
Module 1 - What does leadership mean to you?
Module 2 - Understanding your context
Module 3 - Knowing yourself
A summary call to reflect on your learning
Total course time will include:
8 hours of online videos and/or 'webinars'
2 hours of 1-2-1 support
3 hours of reflective discussion
Individual exploration tasks
Everyone undertaking this course will have their own unique perspective and will develop their own, personalised learning outcomes throughout their programme experience. The core aims of the programme, however, are for you to:
Understand what leadership means to you and those around you
Appreciate how you can make a difference to your own context
Recognise how culture is created and shifted by individual behaviour
Be clear about your own values, beliefs and purpose
Know and value your network of support
Be able to 'walk your own talk' with your leadership style.
The 'Introduction to Everyday Leadership' programme will in August 2020 and then run on an ongoing basis. The programme has been designed to offer 'just-in-time' learning that fits around your existing family and work commitments. You are in control of what you learn, how quickly you progress and when you access the 1-2-1 mentoring support.
The first ten places on this programme will be available at an introductory offer price of £200 per person.
The usual price will be £300.
To book your place or ask a question, email or call Jane on 07967 722702.