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Curiosity did not kill the cat...

Tue, 04 Mar


Online - zoom

An exploration of what it means to be curious in a world full of certainty.

Curiosity did not kill the cat...
Curiosity did not kill the cat...

Time & Location

04 Mar 2025, 16:00 – 17:00 GMT

Online - zoom

About the event

Curiosity: a strong desire to know or learn something.

Contrary to the popular belief that 'curiosity killed the cat', being curious is an often under-rated yet fundamental skill the 21st Century. Forbes online argued, 'as the world shifts into Industry 4.0, curiosity and learning are essential' and Harvard Business Review (2018) proposed a robust business case for curiosity and called for leaders to 'hire for curiosity, model inquisitiveness, emphasise learning goals, let workers explore and broaden their interests, and have “Why?” “What if…?” and “How might we…?” days.

As 2 year olds, we spend our lives being curious about the world around the extent that we often drive those around us crazy with our incessant questions of 'why?'. Embracing our inner 2-year old is what this session is all about!

Come and join me to explore what being curious means, how we can grow our skills to become more…


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